February 2003

Subject: holla alma
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 22:32:22 EST
From: LATRISTE8051313@aol.com
To: almalopez@earthlink.net                                    

No mames!!!! saves llegue a tu webpage y mire que estas vestida como la vergen  de guadalupe saves que pendeja para todos es un argullo la virgen pero tu  te sales del calson para que usas ala virgen si quieres salir encuerada sal pero no uses el atuendo de la virgen  Que!!!!! piensas que la virgen es una puta como tu o que? Piensas que te miras muy bien alli modelando como prostituta pues si disculpa que te diga esto pero es lo que te mereses chales  loca no mames!!!!! Quita esa pinche foto de alli que  es falta de respeto bueno alli nos vemos perbertida????.


Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 22:39:56 EST
From: LATRISTE8051313@aol.com
To: almalopez@earthlink.net          

well its me again you lil bitch que you thing you  look cool dressing like tha virgen de guadalupe o que!!!!! you look fucked ugly bitch and you should send you pictures to PLAY-BOY  to   PLAY-BOY if your trying to show off you body you lil Neckel-Bag  well that's everything BYE.


Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 20:35:37 EST
From: Jscjr50@aol.com
To: almalopez@earthlink.net

Ms. Lopez,

  What a shame that you use your exquisite talent in such a shameful, and artistically ludicrous way. Your depiction of Our Lady of Guadalupe in bikini offends me. I see your other work and find it technically quite superior to most in the same milieu.

  It seems unlikely that you would recant your own work. But I wonder if you would even think of such an offensive parody in relation to other religions? Would you mock Judaism, or Hinduism or Buddhism?

  It seems that a woman and an artist of your considerable talent and intellect would find it needful to engage in a provocative, and offensive to many, display of your work such as mentioned. Too, is the image you have displayed really one of a "strong chicana"? It appears more in line with the very oppression you fight as a feminist: the exploitation of sensual affect rather than the strength, bravery and love of your own mother. I wonder what she thinks of your work?

  I am aware that this email is late, very late in the controversy. However, I have given this thought from time to time. In order not to be lost in the mountains of hate email and imprecations which I am sure you received(probably a good bit of response in your favor as well?), my desire was to find out why? Why would you justify such an image?

  You have my kind regards. I shall offer some prayers for you.

  Yours truly,

  John Correll